Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'All I need right now is a polished moon.
The kinda moon that you and I can touch and feel ...
A grand Utopia that's hardly ours but never fades.'

Am I heavely influenced by FAKE?'s new album and by Mr. Lloyd himself? Yes I am.

I've been listening to the album non-stop for the past couple of days since I finally found it (keep in mind that everyone who bought the album is being such a prick about sharing it.) and I am liking it. It has a variety of styles in it, it doesn't stick to that dark aura 'SFB' had.This one's a little lighter and a little less tence than the 'Black' album...sure it has it's ups and downs but it's good overall...though i wouldn't recommend listening to it without listening to 'Songs From Beelzebub'first.

I find the connection between these 2 albums quite amuzing. If you listen closely to the lyrics, in 'Dear Dorothy' he kinda put in some hints of 'Baby Blue' and 'Boom Boom'...I still have to actually listen to the lyrics more closely or wait till someone gets them.

Think of it as this tale about this guy who's little lost with his battle with the devil inside of him, and what happens later when an angel shines a light through...

in Ken's way of course...
It might sound a little clich'e but i promise it's an interesting ride..Listening to both albums, that is...for without one, the other doesn't exist. You can't understand one without the other.

Lately i've been writing random shit here and there...more than mere thoughts, less than meaningful lyrics to anything...enough about that.

Before i forget anything, I'd like to announce to anyone who reads this crap that I became a part of a band of the sort and will be posting our first project shortly, more details on that later.

Yesterday was the 2nd day this year that it actually rains...if you could actually call what we have here rain...more like...Heaven's spitting on us. but it's rain no less....people find it gloomy but..i feel relaxed in the rain...maybe because i havn't experienced heavy rain in my life and the fact that it doesn't rain here much often...Sky looks so beautiful in the morning...I force myself to wake up earlier than usual, no matter how late I sleep, just to have time to stare at the cloudy morning sky and kiss it on the cheek with a cheery good morning hoping it'll make my day too...after all , what's a blue sky for?

Monday, November 20, 2006

i've been upset about the whole finals thing...today wasn't really a good day when i woke up
i had this exam, it was hell to study..i did okay, i think...but i got al ittle annoyed.
this girl sitting infront of me, obviously has a crush on the teacher who was watching us during the exam (keep in mind that it's a female teacher) after the exam , she kept going on and on about how she couldn't do good cause the teacher was in the same class as her...........i won't comment on that but it got me even more annoyed...the headmistress caught me today about my hair..she was just scolding me but i wasn't paying attention to what she was saying...but it got me even more pissed.....it was one of those days where everything just pissed you off.

then..........it rained....
i've been waiting for it to rain for so long...now was the day..unfortunatly i had to stay in class the whole time, watching it from the classroom window...
Finals also have been switched yet again....From Jan. 16 to Jan. 3
i don't know how something as simple as rain could've made me feel better...

today i walked back home with a smile.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

ever wished for a x-mas mericle?... if you did, don't ever do it again.
i always wondered why i had to take my finals during christmas and new years. though we don't really celebrate christmas, i wanted to feel the so called 'x-mas spirit' they all talk about...well...
i got christmas and new years off.........but it came with a price.
the price is : finals shifted from Dec. 24th, to Jan 16.
which means...imma be taking a final on the 21st.................
the mericle's turning into a nightmare.

now i regret my wish greatly......should i?

...i really gotta get my project done by this weekend...i've had it for too long, and i feel disgusted by keeping it for so long......the price of choosing to work with myself without a partner, i guess.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

why do i have this habit? whenever i start a blog, i eventually neglect it?!
maybe it's cause...my life's not that eventful ... more like , not worth writing down.
or maybe i'm just being swamped with school work..lately it's been piling over like shit, and beleive me, i'm not slacking off or anything...that is the life of a scientific junior, i guess....

apparently, somehow, i lost a couple of friends...i don't know why, i don't know what went wrong...i really thought we were good friends...anyone mind telling me what happened? i guess it's for the best...got me to know who liked me or who was just being 'nice'..in result, i think i made some new friends too....though i hope it doesn't turn out the way the thing did before....well, only time will tell. i guess....

school's been....odd lately....i don't exactly know what i do there that get me so tired and i pass out the minute i walk in my room...due to that, my whole day's been screwed up...i'm messing up my sleeping and stuff...gotta work a little on that...i think im returning to my bad sleeping habits of only geting 3 hours a day of sleep.....i should take care of myself more.

now i fully understand the phraze ''feels like there's not enough hours in the day''...
who's job is it to bring those extra hours?