Something New

A new image for this supposedly new me. though it's only a haircut and a few pounds lost.
So anyways, what could've happened to me in these 2 weeks without a single update? let me fill you in :
Doctor sessions have been going smooth...what I noticed that doctors only tell you what you want to hear, then again, this might be the exact thing a patient needs...but I guess I'm not taking it as serious, am I?'s my last session, let's see how it goes.
It's been a long time since I've really hung out with friends...these days, I'm all focused on trying new things, meeting new people, doing stuff I don't regularly do...I don't know what's gotten into me...I guess it's really affecting me now...this whole change thing...but I try not to think about it so point in fighting it, no point in focusing on it either...I'm just letting it flow through me to see where it's taking me. I don't care if it's screwing me up or fixing long as something is happening, it's good.
I saw the Transformers movie last night. I am well prepared to pay money to watch it again. That's how good it was. The graphics and animations were a killer. You know that phrase 'there's a kid living inside of every one?' inner kid got out that time...When all the 'good guys' began grouping and transformed into the autobots for the first time, I had the biggest smile on my face...After the movie, I started pointing out cars in the parking lot that could pass for a transformer. ~laughs~ I think that there's a possible sequel to the movie...but we all know that part 2 of every movie is sort of a step down from the first part.
I've always felt something about myself...but I only realised it recently...among the people I hang out with in my everyday...I'm the one odd one out of all. I stand out from the group...which could be a good and a bad thing...When I'm with a bunch of couples, I'm the only single one. With I'm with a bunch of girl I know, I'm the only one who goes to a public school. Among my friends, I'm the loud messed up girl with issues ~laughs~. Among my family, I'm the young member who doesn't see things clear yet. In my class, I'm the only *Americanized* awkward weird girl...Which really doesn't let me belong to any of them, but force myself to fit in...I don't know why I'm talking about it, but I want to....I'm a complicated bitch, I know...but..that's the way I am...I guess there isn't much complicated bitches around for me to fit in with them, huh? lol
this might sound offensive to the people who care about me. Believe me, I care about you too, I'm not denying what everyone has done for me, but sometimes, this just happens...I can't help the things I felt even before I met any of you...I guess somethings are bound to never change.
I'm gonna shut up about my ramblings now....and I'll see you soon.
Labels: Improved, Odd ball, Transformers
go to the taste maximum site. INORANs new album is out. Also, I'm digging the new look cutie. Well it seems that nobody can escape from this. Your growing up. Your defining yourself. Don't regret the 'time', because the 'time' is all we ever have.
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