Monday, May 07, 2007

THE Scedual

Wed. 23/05/2007 : Physics -- 8:30 - 11:00
Thu. 24/05/2007 : Arabic (1st Session) -- 8:30 - 10:30
Arabic (2nd Session) -- 11:00 - 1:00
Sun. 27/05/2007 : Math -- 8:30 - 11:30
Mon. 28/05/2007 : Islamic Education -- 8:30 - 10:30
Tues. 29/05/2007 : Chemistry -- 8:30 - 10:30
Wed. 30/05/2007 : Geology -- 8:30 - 10:00
Thu. 31/05/2007 : English -- 8:39 - 11:00
Sun. 03/06/2007 : Biology -- 8:30 - 10:30

I can't complain much about it. My only complaint would be that they shouldn't put Biology as the last day...but I guess it works out since it needs plenty of studying, and there's a weekend before it so...

At school, I worked to empty my desk and erase everything that's written on it...over the years I've written some pretty twisted stuff, I admit....I came across some lines that I didn't seem to remember writing...

"It happens...a lot..." I stopped before erasing this, trying to remember what made me write it...the only thing that comes into mind is the same thing that's been bothering me lately...has it been bothering me this much, that I didn't even realize it till now? I'm not really sure. but anyways...I just forgot about it and erased it...hoping it'd not leave a mark on the desk nor myself.

But overall, I'm smiling...smiling there are people that care about me. That take the time to ask about my day, how my exam went, how I'm feeling today, and cheer me on. I'm glad I know you guy. Stay by my side, and I'll give you the world.

[P.S] once my Internet decides to be nice for me, I'll change the song into something that made me feel better every morning before school.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nyo :3

5:28 AM  

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