Monday, September 25, 2006

Jade's little Mission Impissoble :

When Jade woke up this morning, she was glad that she actually woke up early so she could prepare herself for school slowly and not all rushed out. she checked her classes for the day, got verything ready, dressed up nicely and chatted with a bunch of people online. but something wasn't right...either she woke up a little too early, or her ride's running a little late, turns out her sister takes all the time she could have to prepare herself, which means spending 20 minutes on make-up. her sister's work started 30 minutes after Jade's, that's why she didn't care. Jade didn't worry much about it though, she was sure that she's gonna make it to school, cause she was never late.

After that, Jade's brother came to the rescue and he dropped her off to school after giving her sister a lecture about responcibility...and Jade actually thought she made it on time, but after her brother left, she noticed that it was quiet....a little too quiet, so she started running to class, trying to hide from any people while passing through the administration, lucky for her , everyone was on their desks working about whatever.

Jade finally came to the door of her classroom, tryed to listen to what the teacher was doing, which turns out to be writing on the white board, so she took the chance and opened the door slowly to figure out a way to her desk, then she glanced a girl mouthing to her 'get in! hurry'.

She took that advice and tryed sneaking in beforethe teacher could see her, which was working perfectly, till she heard that everyone in the class laugh about something...Jade turned around to see the teacher looking at her all mad and stuff.....Jade said one thing : i was actually doing you a favour, i didn't want to disturb the class. smart little thing, isn't she?

In the end, Jade was sent to the Administration offices, sat there for an entire hour, waiting for someone to give her a permission slip to get back into the class......

Her thoughts : Fuck that!

...The End...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

precious strainger...i'd rather burn the moments, than to shine with false memories...
count to seven and come to a pause,cause you won't find anything beyond.
is it all wrong? is it all right?
my precious strainger, look up,
or do you not dare? to meet up with the merciless sky
to catch a sight of broken angels and dead feathers...
the seven blues be pierced...i be seen...

so with those crystal eyes...

precious strainger...look up, won't you?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

School sucks...Home sucks...The weather sucks...My computer sucks...meh..

second week of school is about to end and i'm already picking fights with all my teacher... today was with my arabic lit. teacher cause she thinks im not active in class...yesterday it was with my physics teacher cause she thought i was cheating...and the day before was with my chemistry teacher cause she gave us a pop quiz and got on my case for not studying...fuck that!..just like what Joe told me today...i never have good luck with teacher...all my life i go on with a sign over my forehead that says 'Hate me! Hate me!'...yup..that's Joe, alright.

i've been playing guitar almost everyday now...trying to polish my none-existing skills..i think im making progress...still practising Barre chords...especially the Bmaj...i'm trying to play this song called 'You're Not Here' from Silent Hill 3...might be my possible next's a fairly easy song and i should have no problem playing it...but the Bmaj....=_= screw it.

Last night, i made myself a new SoundClick account...i never liked my old one, plus this is like..letting-go-of-my-past sort of thing...i only put the songs i think i started to sound decent in...(i just realized i only recorded 2 songs in 4 months...i suck), and i kinda like it so far...
if anybody wants to check the link, here~ :

I Wanna Know Why The...Spider2pins So Beautiful...

and yes, i am aware it's the same name as the blog's...i just can't help it, this song means something to me...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 3rd marked the end of my so called 'Summer-break' and the beginning of my so called 'life' at this new so called 'school'...fucking yay...

the first week just ended...but..i didn't think it was gonna be that stressful, y'all. it's only been 5 days and i feel like there are not enough hours in a day for my own...i'm wondering if this is really better than staying at home all day...well it depends i guess.

it's like a whole new world there...seperated from this's like these 2 worlds are not ment to collide, cause there are no ways that you can relate both worlds to eachother, not even the people i see everyday. you enter it and you have to forget that there's a whole other place out there and just focus on the world you are in right come out of it and you don't even wanna think about the world you were even in a while ago...see what i'm talking about? you just can't work it out in anyway...that i know of.

how long are 2 years? is it really worth it? guess time will tell eventually...