2 years ago, i was this little girl, who was affected by one single person, and changed me a little inside...i guess.
that one person made me want to sing, i thought that person was so amazing to a point, it was sort of idolizing....i wanted to push myself and sing like that person, though my first attempt failed miserably, that person kept pushing me to try harder and work to improve, and i was, i sang every chance i got, when i heard about something that might improve my voice, i did it, whenever there was a song that person thought i could do, i did it, even if i sucked big time...i got support...and i'm thankful for that.
i don't know what i ment to that person, but i could say that they ment something big to me...and frankly, i was a little hurt when we had a falling out...i thought that i had lost my interest in singing, but no...i didn't, in fact, i even wanted to get better and better. though it's only for fun, i sometimes take it seriosuly, till it became a dream of mine.
2 years later, here i am, maybe i'm still the same naive little girl i was 2 years ago, but i certainly learned a lot of things...and this is what i became :
Shoot me down, with your Vilolet Shot...
Happy 2nd, Ri...