Thursday, January 11, 2007

So, what you see on your left were my tools of trade for the past 2 weeks.

few hours ago I came back from the last exam and I'm going to give you a brief description on how everything went on each day (yeah you're gonna read it weather you like it or not...shut up, read and enjoy the music) :

1. Physics : I did as expected, I did well, though I always hate everything that have Myu K in it (physical term...look it up.)
2. English : ....Do you really need to ask?
3. Math : Every science student in all of AD prayed that something bad would happen to whoever put this disaster of a final...that pretty much says it all.
4. Arabic lit. (2 sessions) : Session 1 was ...okay...though you really hate it when they get something that's totally unrelated to the topic and asks you to 'guess' the right answer...Sessions 2's essay was a work of art....I never realized I could have such a twisted imagination.
5. Geology : Being the nerd I am, I actually payed attention to the details while studying...that's the reason why I did so good in it.
6. Chemistry : One of my worst subjects...thank god it came me, we needed 'Easy' at that point.
7. Islamic Studies : memorizing powers are at it's maximum when I'm sick and feeling like crap....weird...but it wasn't a joyful treat either.

and last but certainly not least,

8. Biology : Teachers love to screw around with us by getting stuff that's in between the the hell are we supposed to pay attention to that if the teachers didn't pay attention to it when teaching the thing?

so....yeah~ that was my life for 2 weeks...and it doesn't end hear, they said the results are a week from now...they just don't like to leave us alone, do they?

I'll be back in a few days with a more interesting entry, anyways, how y'all doin?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're ending your exam term while I'm starting it, ri chan.. ^^

but I'm so happy for you.. *hugz*

4:24 PM  
Blogger Jack+ said...

Well, im glad its over for you, ri. Must feel like a great weight has been lifted na?

Anyways., relax and play some of dem videogames. word.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Celestial Delinquent said...

yuichi : You mean you're eligible to take the exam?! that's great!

If you want me to bother you, i'm at your service anytime.

Jacky : currently lacking a PS2...Universe doesn't seem like it wants me to play...fuck you, universe!!

10:17 PM  

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