Monday, December 11, 2006

At one time, I was a pianist....a great pianist...and I don't mean to brag...
Though I wasn't taught properly, I used to give it my all when I learn a piece, till I completely master it...even if I had picked it up by ear...which is what I used to do most of the time.
I knew how to read scores and sheet music...but never to play and look at the scores at the same's one of the mistakes that caused my talent to vanishe.
I ask myself, should I do something about it? should I go back into piano, starting from scratch, and make a future of it? or maybe just...remember the feeling I used to have whenever I play that instrument...
Seeing that I cannot take that for a career...I have decided the following :

-During college, or maybe after college, I will get myself into a music acaedemy and be a student of the piano devision.

Of course, this won't change the fact that I'm going to form my band when I'm in college. Singing is another passion of mine...such as how the piano was for me at one point. It won't change the fact that I'm trying to play another instrument at the moment.
It's just that....I wanna make something of myself...something people would admire...something I would that possible?

Listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonana, thinking that at one time, I enjoyed playing this piece and won several compititions performing's amazing how none of that stuck on...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it IS possible if you put your efforts toward it, ri chan..

and don't forget to send me the copy of your music work later, okay? ^^

7:33 PM  

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