Monday, December 04, 2006

But you see, I'm the remains of some broken identity...
Just a mere shadow...Living under a shadow...
Expected to stay that way to eventually seize to be...
But i'm not some losing lottery ticket...
Full of hope and promise...
But in the end, a cheap letdown...
I won't allow it, I won't go down so dullfully...
For I'm gonna be some body's longed-for sweet sound...
Waiting for a time when I pick up the jigsaw pieces of me...
That's when you'll know me...My precious stranger...You just wait...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*gives ri chan a big squeezy hug*

I miss you so much! I can't online on MSN because my brother didn't installed the msgr on his computer.. ~>_<~

btw, my brother said hi to you too.. ^^

5:50 PM  

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